Why Are My Eyelashes Falling Out? What To Do About It and How To Reverse It

falling out eyelashes

Madarosis, a term denoting the loss of eyebrows or eyelashes, goes beyond the usual daily hair shedding [1]. While finding a few eyelashes on your pillow is typical, experiencing madarosis involves faster and more substantial hair loss, often in larger amounts or chunks. This article explores the causes, diagnosis, and potential reversal of madarosis, shedding light on this condition that affects both eyebrows (superciliary madarosis) and eyelashes (ciliary madarosis).

Causes of Madarosis:

Madarosis can be triggered by various factors, ranging from underlying medical and ophthalmic conditions to medications, stress, and specific cosmetic treatments (for example, tattooing). To effectively address eyelash madarosis, understanding these diverse causes is crucial. Investigating the root cause is the first step in devising an appropriate treatment plan.

Medical Conditions:

Underlying medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, dermatological issues, or hormonal imbalances, can contribute to madarosis. Additionally, ophthalmic conditions like blepharitis may also be implicated. Identifying and treating these conditions are essential components of managing madarosis.
Certain medications may lead to madarosis as a side effect. It is imperative for individuals experiencing hair loss in their eyebrows or eyelashes to consult their healthcare provider to evaluate whether medications are a contributing factor. Adjusting or changing medications under medical guidance can help mitigate this side effect.


Stress, a common factor in various health issues, can also impact hair growth, leading to madarosis. Implementing stress-reducing techniques and lifestyle changes may play a role in preventing and treating this condition.

Cosmetic Treatments:

Some cosmetic treatments, when not performed correctly, may contribute to madarosis. This highlights the importance of choosing qualified professionals and being aware of potential risks associated with cosmetic procedures.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

Seeking professional medical advice is crucial if you notice unusual hair loss in your eyebrows or eyelashes. While madarosis is generally reversible, addressing the underlying cause is paramount. Healthcare providers focus on treating the root issue and preventing further hair loss.

Reversal and Eyelash Serum Use:

Depending on the doctor's advice, individuals experiencing madarosis may consider using eyelash serums. These serums can boost the appearance of eyelashes, providing a temporary solution while addressing the underlying cause. It is essential to follow medical guidance and use these products cautiously.


Understanding madarosis involves recognizing its causes, seeking timely medical attention, and addressing the underlying issues. With proper diagnosis and treatment, individuals experiencing eyebrow or eyelash loss can often reverse this condition and restore their hair's natural growth. Eyelash serums, used under professional advice, can complement the treatment plan, offering a cosmetic boost to the appearance of eyelashes.

1. Annapurna Kumar and Kaliaperumal Karthikeyan, Madarosis: A Marker of Many Maladies [link]